Citizenship and Naturalization Patterns of Immigrants in the Southeastern United States And Their Political Consequences
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Jaret, C., & Kolozsvari-Wright, O. (2011). Citizenship and Naturalization Patterns of Immigrants in the Southeastern United States And Their Political Consequences. Norteamérica, Revista Académica Del CISAN-UNAM, 6(3).


This study examines naturalization rates in the southeastern United States and compares them to other regions while investigating some political consequences of naturalization. In terms of the number of naturalized citizens and naturalization rates, the Southeast lags behind states with long immigration histories. In all U.S. southeastern states, Asians comprise the largest group of naturalized citizens, but rates vary. Mexicans and Central Americans are the least likely to obtain citizenship in all southeastern states. The authors also find and discuss a small immigrant presence in the U.S. House of Representatives and a significant positive correlation between states' naturalization rates and the percentage of the state that voted for Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election.
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